Why leased office tenants are choosing flexible workspace

Why leased office tenants are choosing flexible workspace


Flexible workspace has always been David to the Goliath of traditional leased office space. But, post pandemic, things have changed.  Flexible workspace is now predicted to grow to 20% of total UK office space (Savills Flex Office Perspectives, October 2021).  It’s easy to point to corporate hub and spoke strategies as the key reason, but there are many more reasons …

2022 trends

Key trends for flexible workspace in 2022


The seismic events of the last couple of years have certainly left their mark on all aspects of the world economy. Flexible workspace, which in comparison to other industries, is regarded as fairly resilient in riding the economic waves, found that it too needed to adapt to the changing working practices and trends following the pandemic. At technologywithin we have …

1 Mill Street and technologywithin – a creative collaboration


Opening a new business over the course of the last year has been a challenging task with the difficult business environment meaning many companies have put expansion and growth plans on hold. However, there are examples of businesses that have opened and thrived in this unusual environment. One such example is the collaborative workspace at 1 Mill Street in Leamington …

10 Secondary Flex Space Markets To Watch


Flex space – markets to watch Ever since the coworking concept took off in the mid noughties, the UK’s flexible workspace market has been growing rapidly. Nowadays, it feels like you can’t turn a corner in any large city without running into design-led coworking space or professional serviced office. That’s long been the case in London, which retains its number …

workspace loneliness

Coworking – Wellness and how to combat workspace loneliness


Coworking – Workspace loneliness is a problem While choosing your own hours and holidays has a number of upsides, there’s no denying that working alone can get lonely and workspace loneliness is an important issue. A Monday morning debrief with a colleague while the kettle boils can be a serious mood booster. Many self employed people are now choosing coworking …

coworking UK and overseas

Coworking – What can the UK learn from overseas markets?


The coworking market has boomed over the last few years, in both the UK and overseas. It looks set to continue expanding as more and more people turn to remote working and freelancing over traditional 9-5 roles. While London one of the leaders when it comes to coworking, with one of the highest growth markets of flexible offices in the …

Flexible workspace – Why getting the right IT infrastructure is king


At technologywithin we’re frequently asked for our views about IT infrastructure and cutting edge technology for flexible workspace. The Internet of Things has transformed the way technology is delivered, from door entry, to controllable lights and heating, power monitoring, security and CCTV and even ordering your coffee over the internet. It’s now easier than ever to realise imaginative ideas to …

Managing WiFi in your workspace-min

Managing WiFi in your workspace


The perception of WiFi has changed over time. Twenty years ago, when wireless technology started to become available in public places and wireless laptops were introduced (followed by tablets and smartphones), consumers were prepared to pay for the service and were accustomed to a sketchy experience, accepting that low speeds and poor wireless reception was the norm for this exciting …

Creating next generation workspace


The flexible workspace industry is ever evolving, segmenting and diversifying.  Serviced offices are now coworking spaces; private offices have transformed into community hubs and if your interiors aren’t Instagram-ready you aren’t even on the map. Added to that the current political and economic uncertainty in the UK, which is affecting the type of business looking for shared space. Its not …