What is the difference between shared Vs dedicated internet? And which is best for your flexspace? Here we explain everything that you need to know about offering shared Vs dedicated internet bandwidth services to your clients in our jargon-free style. Shared and dedicated internet explained Shared bandwidth is often offered within a flexspace contract to make it easy for companies …
Free internet for commercial buildings is always the bigger risk
Who doesn’t like a freebie, from the packet of Haribo sweets included in my Wiggle order, to free Wi-Fi at the coffee shop? An experiment In Dan Ariely’s book, “Predictably Irrational,” illustrates this brilliantly. Participants were asked to decide between spending 26 cents on a luxury Lindt chocolate truffle or spending one cent on a lower-quality Hershey’s chocolate kiss. Those running the …
Flexible workspace – Why getting the right IT infrastructure is king
At technologywithin we’re frequently asked for our views about IT infrastructure and cutting edge technology for flexible workspace. The Internet of Things has transformed the way technology is delivered, from door entry, to controllable lights and heating, power monitoring, security and CCTV and even ordering your coffee over the internet. It’s now easier than ever to realise imaginative ideas to …
Managing WiFi in your workspace
The perception of WiFi has changed over time. Twenty years ago, when wireless technology started to become available in public places and wireless laptops were introduced (followed by tablets and smartphones), consumers were prepared to pay for the service and were accustomed to a sketchy experience, accepting that low speeds and poor wireless reception was the norm for this exciting …
What are the different types of flexible workspace?
There’s a huge range of options when it comes to finding the perfect flexible workspace, whether you’re a full-time freelancer, large corporation or just-launched start up. Knowing the difference between the range of flexible workspaces available can help you choose the best space for your company. Finding that perfect workspace will help improve productivity, allow you to network with others …
Coworking – Is it a Fad or the Future?
Coworking spaces have grown at an astounding rate of 200% over the past five years, with the number of coworking members estimated to rise to over 5 million by 2022 thanks to the huge increase in jobs offering remote working. Freelancers, contractors and younger companies are choosing coworking spaces over home offices and coffee shops for a range of reasons, …
Surviving MIPIM – The Real 24 Hour Party People
It’s fitting that we chose the Manchester tent as our final go-to destination on day three of our epic maiden MIPIM outing. Manchester by the sea, transported, surely not coincidentally, to a location offering a clear uninterrupted vista of the Côte d’Azur to any architect, developer, Russian oligarch, musician or just a plain and simple dreamer who dared to walk …