How Landlords can futureproof their buildings and improve their marketability


Introduction We recently hosted a webinar to examine how landlords can futureproof their buildings and improve their marketability.  This followed up our very well received Greyspace webinar in March, which started a conversation about how excess corporate portfolio can be successfully repurposed as flexible workspace.  Richard Morris, our Sales & Marketing Director, was joined by our new Business Development Director …


Surviving MIPIM – The Real 24 Hour Party People


It’s fitting that we chose the Manchester tent as our final go-to destination on day three of our epic maiden MIPIM outing.  Manchester by the sea, transported, surely not coincidentally, to a location offering a clear uninterrupted vista of the Côte d’Azur to any architect, developer, Russian oligarch, musician or just a plain and simple dreamer who dared to walk …

Commercial property

Make your commercial property more marketable


Wi-Fi and superfast fibre internet connectivity is now seen as a utility by the majority of potential incoming clients, the same as heating, lighting and running water but with two very important differences. Firstly, the requirement for bandwidth will continue to grow and grow. The average superfast fibre connection size that we provide to clients’ sites has grown from 10MB …