New beginnings


Author: Kevin Winstanley, Sales and Marketing Director.

Welcome to 2019!  And what an exciting year this purports to be!  We’re all really excited to launch technologywithin, as it is truly representative of who we are, and technology is at the very core of our DNA. We are ‘Geeks with a Business!’ 

There isn’t another company in the sector that can confess to having designed all of its own products – for both hardware and software delivery – from the core outwards and care enough to wrap the best service delivery around them, making our systems easy to implement and easy to use.

It occurred to Dr Adam Case and myself when we first met, that essentially (although at first glance it isn’t obvious) we are very much cut from the same cloth, both engineers at heart.  Although Adam clearly has the upper hand with his PhD, I’ll still rib him about being a ‘Dr’ and he’ll rib me about the ‘fluffy stuff’ around Sales and Marketing, you take both of those attributes, blend them together and you have the perfect technology company!

At technologywithin we will continue to develop and deliver the best products with the best service and customer care and we want to do that with a friendly and ethical approach. That’s us in a nutshell and its why we have a happy and growing customer base in the UK, with many new clients having previously had a less than satisfactory service from other vendors.

Our approach is simple, and we aim to keep it simple and make moving to our platform as painless as possible.  So, if you’re experiencing problems with your current provider, why not give technologywithin an opportunity to improve your business and reduce your costs. You’ve got everything to gain and nothing to lose!

Call our user-friendly sales team for a demo today!

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