Tech roundup blog #2


Welcome to the second technologywithin tech roundup blog. We hope you’re enjoying these semi-regular collections of interesting and thought-provoking articles. If you’d like to get in touch with us about any of the subjects or to have a chat about tech with one of our experts, contact us here.

AI Solutions won’t solve workplace well-being woes

While AI-based solutions are scalable and can provide employees with greater privacy and anonymity to discuss sensitive topics, it will do little to help improve systemic, workplace issues.


First Amazon Fresh till-less grocery store in UK closes

Amazon’s first till-less store in the UK, which opened in west London just over two years ago, has been closed.


Creating a future proof technology strategy

In case you missed it, our tech experts discuss the changes you can make now to your workspace to ensure you’re ready to meet any future technology challenges.


Rare Apple trainers with vintage rainbow logo go up for sale in US

The asking price for the retro shoes far exceeds Apple’s existing products.


How Covid changed video game streaming forever

In 2020, people of all ages and backgrounds were suddenly stuck at home, with many turning to streaming platforms to connect with their peers – transforming toxic spaces into inclusive environments.

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