by technologywithin, the ultimate access control solution, designed for flexible workspaces.

A secure and easy to operate
access solution

As the trusted partner of flexible workspace operators, we understand your key priorities: connectivity, workspace management and security.

That’s why we’ve chosen to partner with the leading international supplier of world class secure access control services, SALTO. Their SALTO KS service is mobile-friendly, allowing your clients access to your space via their phone, or via more traditional key fobs if they prefer, giving them choice and a better user experience. It fits nicely into our portfolio of services all designed to make running your workspace stress free and your clients happy

The growth in flexspace is set to continue in the coming years as more companies move from traditional leases to flex. This means that a secure and easy to operate access solution will be vital in shared spaces. So, as we’re all about making life easier for our customers, we’ve added access control to the range of services all designed to enable a successful workspace.

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Designed for flexspace

If you are expanding your workspace portfolio or setting up a space as a first-time operator, we’d love to have a chat about providing secure access control as a part of the essential technology services for your space.

If you are a landlord, looking to convert your leased space to shared workspace, SALTO KS’s secure access control is going to give both you and your clients confidence that you have invested in market leading services.



One app to control access – Create or invite users to your space easily. SALTO KS lets you allocate roles of each user (Owner, Admin, Super/Basic User) and the rights they have (such as Remote opening, Offline access and Office mode rights). 

Open doors from any distance – Wherever you are in the building or if you’re not even in it, just swipe left on the app to let in visitors.

Understand your space better– SALTO KS gives you a clear picture of day - to - day occupancy and usage of your building to help you improve the utilisation of your space.

Send and receive mobile keys – Say goodbye to key tags, mobile keys allow your clients access to your space using their mobile. They just tap their phone on the lock to open the door. 

Different locks – different modes – If you’re operating a coworking space you might need an open front door during business hours. How would you like for that door to lock itself at a set time? SALTO KS offers you Easy Office Mode.

Grant specific access easily– You may have a range of people who enter your space (employees, guests, cleaners and more). SALTO KS offers an easy to use, intuitive interface that allows you to define who goes where and when.