BCA partners create technology supergroup


In April 2018, BCA Partners Stickman Technology and ip-Xchange – two technology providers for the flexible workspace sector – merged to become a new technology ‘group’. Just as owners and operators of flexible workspace are merging and consolidating in line with increased market growth and competition, so too are its suppliers. In this case, both ip-Xchange and Stickman Technology are coming together …

Getting juicy at GCUC UK


On Tuesday 25th September 2018 GCUC UK landed in the UK for a two day event. Flexible workspace operators, suppliers, clients and specialists came together at Kings Place for two days of conference, unconference and fun. As Stickman and ip-Xchange were headline sponsors we welcomed everyone to our booth to join in the #GCUCdebate – ‘What’s more important to your coworking space – Water or WiFi?’. We also …

Rise of the machines? IT automation and flexible workspace


We were asked by the Business Centre Association to give our views on IT automation and flexible workspace. To some extent it’s already happening with areas like CRM, online reservations and inventory management but how far would it go? We decided to put our thoughts into a couple of articles that take in Uber, the Beatles and Volvos. The first article is …

FTTC Vs Dedicated Internet Connections


The world of IT loves an acronym. Newcomers to the world are often greeting with a blizzard of these acronyms, almost like it’s a secret language that you need to master quickly to be accepted. For outsiders these terms can cause confusion. Quite often the techie people will drop them into a conversation with the non-techie people which puts the non-techie person …

Are you ready for the Zombie Apocalypse?


Do you know what a prepper is? Preppers are people who are actively preparing for emergencies, and when I say emergency, I mean these guys are psyching themselves up for the big one. Armageddon. World War III. Alien invasion. The zombie apocalypse. Preppers are the extreme, sure, but when the end is nigh do you know what they’ll be saying when they’re …

Getting wireless in the workspace


If we were to rate the reasons that companies move into flexible space then the top three would probably look something like: Joint 1st – Location and cost 2nd – Internet connectivity 3rd – Wireless access Wireless access has rapidly become a business essential. Think about it, the office tools we all use on a daily basis to work (laptops, smartphone, tablets) all …

Getting to grips with the cloud


The cloud can often be seen as a mysterious entity that few people fully understand. We’re all connected to it via a range of devices but do you really know what it does? We decided to put this article together to give a clearer explanation of what the mysterious ‘cloud’ really is….. The cloud The ‘cloud’ basically refers to a …